Cascading Style Sheets

Our TV browser supports most of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) level 1, as well as some of the positioning properties defined in CSS level 2. The support for those elements within the TV browser is described in this section.

Refer to our element list for a description of the elements supported, and any special behaviors of those elements in the TV browser.

Containment in HTML is supported in all its forms, including the following:

But keep in mind that the @import method is not supported.

Grouping is supported in all its forms, as well as !important rules.

Class, ID, and Contextual selectors are supported.

The pseudo-class anchor (:link, :active, and :visited), dynamic (:hover), and pseudo-elements (:before and :after) are supported.

All Color, Length, and Percentage units are supported.

For a complete description of CSS, please refer to the Cascading Style Sheet level 2 specification on the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web site.